Become an Affiliate for

If you're passionate about guitar pedals and enjoy sharing your knowledge, our affiliate program is the perfect opportunity to monetize your passion. Whether you're a blogger, YouTuber, or social media influencer in the music space, we welcome you to join us.

Ready to Join? Sign Up Today and start earning! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

  • Why Choose Our Affiliate Program?

    • Attractive Commission Rates: Earn a generous 40% commission on every sale you refer.
    • Timely Payments: We issue payments quarterly. Note that there is a 30-day delay in payments due to our money-back guarantee. For example, if you earn $500 in commissions in March, you will be paid by May 1st, or the next business day.
    • Extended Cookie Duration: Enjoy a 30-day cookie duration, giving you plenty of time to earn from your referrals.
    • Marketing Support: Access a variety of engaging promotional materials to help you as much as possible

  • How to Join?

    1 - Apply Now: Fill out our simple Google Form HERE to get started.
    2 - Promote: Share your unique affiliate link through your preferred channels.
    3 - Earn: Receive regular monthly payments for your successful referrals.

  • Affiliate Program Details:

    • Payment Method: Payments are made via PayPal.
    • Resources Provided: You'll have access to customized banners, graphics, and content ideas.
    • Terms: Read our full affiliate terms and conditions for more information.